June 25, 2024

Achieving EU AI Act Compliance with Lumenova AI's Risk Management Platform

eu ai act

To achieve the European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act compliance, leveraging a dedicated Responsible AI platform can be a game-changer. Such a platform can simplify the complex web of regulations, providing AI developers and operators with tailored tools for risk assessment and management.

Throughout the AI lifecycle, Lumenova AI’s platform can help your AI systems follow transparency and accountability by recording decision-making processes which are essential for audit trails and regulatory reviews. For data protection — a key component of the EU AI Act — our platform enables strict data governance, aligning with GDPR standards through rigorous data privacy protocols. Moreover, it invites continuous learning and adaptation by integrating regulatory updates, helping developers see new compliance requirements.

In short, our platform can transform EU AI Act compliance from a daunting task to a streamlined, efficient process, but let’s look first at the levels of risk identified by the Act.

The Four Levels of Risk According to the EU AI Act

The EU AI Act delineates a framework consisting of four categorical risk levels applicable to AI systems: unacceptable, high, limited, and minimal (or negligible) risk, each accompanied by distinct regulatory requirements and standards.

Achieving EU AI Act Compliance with Lumenova AI

Unacceptable risk represents the most severe assessment of the four, encompassing numerous AI applications that are not at all compatible with the values upheld by the EU and fundamental rights such as:

  • Subliminal manipulation: This implies any changes to individual behavior without conscious recognition, resulting in bad outcomes. An instance of this would be an AI system that covertly influences electoral decisions.

  • Exploitation of individual vulnerabilities resulting in harmful conduct: An example would be misusing a person’s socio-economic status, age, or mental and physical capabilities. One such example would be a toy for children that uses voice assistance to ask the children to do actions that could harm them.

  • Emotional state analysis: Pertaining to the monitoring of individuals' emotions within occupational or educational settings. Emotion recognition technology may be permissible as a high-risk application if utilized for safety objectives, such as detecting drowsiness in drivers.

  • Biometric categorization based on sensitive traits: This encompasses classification by gender, ethnicity, political affiliation, religious belief, sexual orientation, and philosophical convictions.

  • Universal social scoring systems: These utilize AI to assess individuals based upon personal attributes, social conduct, and various actions, such as e-commerce transactions or social media usage, potentially leading to unjust exclusion from employment or financial services based on these scores.

  • Real-time remote biometric identification in public areas: Such systems will soon be prohibited, including subsequent identification processes. Exceptions might apply to law enforcement pending judicial authorization and oversight by the European Commission, strictly for purposes such as locating victims of crime, counter-terrorism efforts, and the pursuit of severe criminal suspects.

  • Predictive policing: The evaluation of an individual’s likelihood to engage in criminal activity based upon personal characteristics.

  • Collecting facial recognition imagery: The aggregation or expansion of facial image databases through non-targeted collection of data from online sources or video surveillance feeds.

High-risk AI systems on the other hand, represent the most strictly regulated permitted category within the EU marketplace. In essence, such systems encompass components crucial for the safety of already regulated products, as well as independent AI systems within specified sectors that may impinge upon the health and safety of individuals, their fundamental rights, or the environment. These systems could inflict considerable harm should they malfunction or be exploited improperly.

Limited risk is for AI systems that pose a risk of manipulative or deceptive actions. Ensuring transparency is a must for such systems, requiring that human users get notified of their interaction with AI (except for instances where this is evident). A good example is chatbots, which fall under this risk category, along with other Gen AI systems and the content they produce.

Minimal risk — based on what can be interpreted from the EU AI Act — refers to all other AI systems that don’t fit into the previously mentioned categories – an example being spam filters, which are not constrained but must adhere to overarching principles such as human oversight, non-discrimination, and fairness is recommended.

What about General Purpose AI (GPAI) Systems?

In the initial draft of the EU AI Act, General Purpose AI (GPAI) systems, similar to those developed by entities such as OpenAI or Aleph Alpha, weren’t specifically addressed. However, during subsequent negotiations, updates to the proposal have included such systems as well. It is also worth noting that the risk classification within the EU AI Act is intrinsically tied to an AI system’s application, a concept that proves challenging to delineate in the context of GPAI. The Act distinguishes between two categories of risk: non-systemic and systemic, which are based on the computing power required for training these AI models.

Open-source models that are publicly accessible are exempt from some of the more stringent requirements, provided their licensing permits the use, alteration, and sharing of both the model and its parameters. This exemption applies only if these models are not tied to high-risk or prohibited tasks and if there is no potential for manipulation. For a more detailed exposition on how the AI Act governs GPAI and General AI systems, consider reading the full article.

Furthermore, after the entry into force, the AI Act will apply 6 months for prohibited AI systems, 12 months for General Purpose AI (GPAI), 24 months for high-risk AI systems under Annex III, and lastly, 36 months for high risk AI systems under Annex II, while codes of practice need to be finalized nine months after entry into force.

How to Achieve Compliance Using Lumenova AI’s Risk Management Platform

Lumenova AI’s risk management platform can make sure AI systems abide by the regulatory landscape established by the EU AI Act. By employing a series of advanced tools and features, our platform provides the necessary infrastructure to navigate the compliance journey with greater ease and reliability.

Aligning AI Innovation with New EU Regulations

Aligning AI innovation with new EU regulations ensures compliance, fosters trust, and promotes ethical development. It involves integrating transparency, accountability, and data protection standards into AI systems to:

  • Create the foundation for standardized AI legislation across the EU and encourage international collaboration among member states and/or other independent actors in the AI ecosystem.

  • Preserve and protect EU democratic values, fundamental rights, national security and critical infrastructure.

  • Promote a trustworthy and human-centric AI innovation ecosystem, with a particular focus on startups and SMEs.

  • Maximize potential AI benefits and minimize potential AI risks, especially for high-risk and general-purpose AI (GPAI) systems.

  • Encourage and promote AI literacy to raise awareness around AI skills development, prominent risks and benefits, and responsible AI innovation/utilization.

  • Establish regulatory sandboxes in which AI providers can safely test and evaluate their systems prior to deployment.

To begin with, our platform categorizes AI systems based on their risk profile, as determined by the Act. High-risk applications are subject to more stringent controls and thus, our platform can help in meticulously documenting the AI’s decision-making process and ensuring that robust data governance practices are in line with legal requirements.

As we all know, the core of compliance is transparency and accountability, so we focus on helping you maintain an audit trail, capturing every step from data inputs to outputs. By logging the lifecycle of AI developments, our platform provides evidence to regulators that due diligence has occurred in system design and deployment, which leads to user trust.

Since data handling sits at the heart of the EU AI Act, our platform ensures that user data is treated following the highest standards of privacy. It implements mechanisms for data anonymization and encryption, thereby aligning with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) principles.

When it comes to bias detection and correction tools, using our platform, you’ll continuously monitor and evaluate your AI’s behavior, alerting developers to potential biases so they can be promptly addressed. Moreover, our platform simplifies the process of keeping up-to-date with regulatory changes. It also provides actionable insights and guidelines for AI system developers to adjust their processes and systems in compliance with the evolving EU AI Act mandates.

The EU AI Act is ambitious and attempts to regulate AI from all angles in the EU. However, given the rate at which AI continues to evolve and spread, ensuring compliance with the Act’s provisions, especially as they are adapted in response to novel developments in the AI landscape, will become an increasingly complex and difficult endeavor.

To avoid wasting valuable time and resources, organizations can leverage Lumenova AI’s Responsible AI platform, and its capabilities to streamline compliance under the EU AI Act. This will ensure that business operations proceed without compromise in line with AI development and/or deployment initiatives.


In conclusion, the EU AI Act represents a significant step towards a unified regulatory landscape for AI technologies across Europe. With its risk-based classification, it provides a structured approach to ensure that AI systems align with EU standards, safeguarding fundamental rights and promoting ethical use.

Companies must engage with the Act’s framework, particularly those involved with high-risk and GPAI systems, as these will be subject to stringent compliance requirements. By preemptively adapting to the proposed regulations, AI stakeholders should not only avoid potential legal repercussions, but also make efforts to gain consumers' trust through transparent and responsible AI deployment.

Now, embracing the EU AI Act presents an opportunity for innovation within a secure and regulated environment, where minimal risks are monitored with prudence and unacceptable risks are mitigated. Understanding and applying the EU AI Act is therefore not only a legal necessity but also a strategic advantage that signals commitment to ethical standards and positions companies as leaders in the responsible development and use of AI.

Finally, if you’re looking for a comprehensive solution that streamlines compliance activities, here, at Lumenova AI, we offer a risk management platform that can make sure that your AI systems operate within the legal frameworks and if you want us to help you navigate the complexities of AI deployment, you can request a demo, or contact our AI experts for more details.

Related topics: EU AI Act AI Compliance Lumenova AI

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